top of page Classic Stripping Knife - SUPER FINE

A must have for detail work!
Product Details

The Classic Stripping Knife - SUPER FINE. An indispensable tool for professional breeders and groomers intent on achieving perfect handstripping results.

Its compact yet remarkable design zeroes in on the tiniest details, even the finest undercoat wouldn't stand a chance against its prowess. Handcrafted with the utmost precision and objective to deliver the most refined outcome, its fine teeth are unparalleled and exhibit superior craftsmanship.

The super fine knife is perfectly appropriate for meticulous work and flat work, making it a favorite for Fox Terriers, Schnauzers, Affies, Griffons, Westies, Cairns, Scotties, and all smaller breeds.

But don't let its small size fool you! Larger breeds like the Airedale, Irish, or Lakelands can be expertly sculpted to perfection with this little titan of a tool.

Jack Russel breeders, in particular, are smitten by this compact powerhouse tool, swearing by its effectiveness.

The Classic - SUPER FINE is thoughtfully designed to take user comfort into account. With perfect balance and ergonomic construction, it's made to deliver seamless, effortless grooming without the risk of damaging the coat. It's a must-have tool in the arsenal of anyone who appreciates the beauty of perfection.

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